2014 Career Day - Spotlighting DeHavilland Dreams

Earlier this month, I was invited in to St. Croix Central Elementary school located in Roberts, Wisconsin. The school was hosting its first annual Career Day event, allowing parents to come in and introduce their companies and describe their work path. With two little girls attending the school, I decided to visit both and discuss my favorite topic...SEAPLANES! I thought I would share some of my presentation here, along with this recap. Most of you visiting are well informed of these beautiful airplanes. But, in the event you are new to our blog and/or company...it might be informative.

A seaplane is a powered fixed-wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing (alighting) on water. Seaplanes that can also take off and land on airfields are a subclass called amphibian aircraft. Seaplanes were built to deliver goods, food, medicine and people to remote areas not accessible by car/truck. Primarily used throughout Canada, Alaska, Seattle, Northern Minnesota, Coast lines – Florida, Maine, etc… (U.S. focused for the purpose of this particular audience) 

For 30 years I grew up watching seaplanes in Ontario, Canada. For years, I searched model shops and magazines looking for anything having to do with seaplanes. My search always came up empty-handed. Then, in September 2007, I lost my job and decided to build on my passion and dreams. It occurred to me that other individuals might share the same passion and intrigue about seaplanes as I do. In December 2007, I formally launched DeHavilland Dreams, Inc., a company that sells seaplane model airplanes. After several of our customers inquired about additional aviation gear and products, we decided in March of 2008 to expand our company by opening an eCommerce store carrying seaplane models, toys and now pilot gear and safety/survival equipment.

In 2011, we purchased printing equipment from a failing printer and expanded our product offering by designing and printing our own line of seaplane apparel (ie. tees, tanks, long-sleeves, hoodies and caps. In 2012, we officially signed our first Wholesale agreement with a retailer in Northern Minnesota. Today, more than five years later our company has become a premier outfitter for seaplane models and toys, seaplane apparel, aviation gear, pilot supplies and safety & survival gear. We continue to experience year-over-year growth, having accumulated (7) current wholesaler relationships throughout Alaska, Northern Minnesota and Ontario, Canada.

Following my brief presentation and background, we split the class up into two groups. Each group were tasked with assembling one of our Rubber-Band Propelled seaplanes...our most popular selling item in 2012. Each child had a part in the assembly. At the close of the assembly building exercise, we discussed how teamworka and collaboration are necessary to build these and have them be sound, safe and successful. Before I concluded my presentation, one thing was left to do...test our product. Mrs. Huftel, the 3rd grade teacher took us all out to the hallway and there we successfully flew both seaplanes down the hallway to the sound of roaring and cheering kindergartners. It was truly a site to see and SOOO much fun!

Thanks again to Mrs. Huftel and St. Croix Central Elementary for inviting us to participate. We had a blast! Check out our photo album of 2014 Career Day on our Facebook page.

For more information regarding DeHavilland Dreams, visit us online at dehavillanddreams.com. Or, to pick one of our blue or red Rubber-Band Propelled Seaplanes today.